Law of Attraction Spirituality

The best crystals to attract money, prosperity and luck

money crystal
money crystal

Last Updated on November 13, 2021 by Maria Numero

Which crystal that attracts money ? The energetic powers of crystals have been used for millennia to heal, attract good vibes, ward off negativity and countless other issues. Of course, it’s not just about carrying your crystal; you also have to do your part to make things happen. A little help does not hurt, so the following crystals can be your best ally to attract money to your life.

Tiger’s Eye

tigers eye money crystal
tigers eye money crystal

What does tigers eye crystal meaning? The healing crystal is considered a magnet of wealth and helps you make intelligent financial decisions. Its energy connects with the root or kundalini energy chakra to richly rewrite your destiny. It can boost your intelligence by calming your nerves in stressful situations. It is the first choice of crystal for money

 To take advantage of its power, you can carry the crystals in your wallet or place them in your home. According to feng shui, you should place them in a southeast direction from the entrance of your house.


pirita money crystal
pirita money crystal

One of the most popular crystals for prosperity, pyrite brings you to the ground and repairs your financial levels from scratch as it attracts wealth. It protects you against debt and attracts prosperity by using the energies of the third eye chakra. 

Ruby gems

ruby gems money crystal
ruby gems money crystal

A stone of power to repair your charm and fortune, the ruby ​​makes connections to the soul. It is best kept close to the lower chakras to attract wealth, good luck, and success. 

Red coral

Red coral money crystal
Red coral money crystal

Red coral gems are also crystals of fortune. It can find in the deepest and darkest corners of the ocean, and It should be kept in the purse or in the pockets in the hip area to activate the root chakra. They will help you attract prosperity by balancing natural energies. 

Red coral is an auspicious stone that is often gifted to people joining new jobs. You can use it to balance your root chakra when using a new wallet.


amber money crystal
amber money crystal

Amber, one of the most significant stones for wealth, ensures that your money will stay and multiply. Its powers depend on the patterns and colors it displays, and its use in the solar plexus chakra will help you be smart with your money decision.

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